Heidi’s Blog

Hi, welcome to my blog! I’m glad you’re here. Please check back often to stay up to date. 🙂

EASY Family Photo Vacation Collage

EASY Family Photo Vacation Collage

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqIOd8tCwks Here is an easy Family Photo Vacation Collage you can do this Summer too! If you want to learn how to do a Painted Prayer, you can join the challenge!

Do you struggle with anxiety?

Do you struggle with anxiety?

I have since my mid 20’s. It seems to get worse at night and sometimes turn into panic attacks. Just the other day I was in a store and Bobby was on one side of me and Pixie on the other and I was in a corner. Since I was wearing a mask it heightened the anxiety and I...

Watermelon GLITTER Summertime Porch Leaner

Watermelon GLITTER Summertime Porch Leaner

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPi2v6tVijs Let’s Paint a Watermelon Sweet Summertime Porch Leaner! You can get your own stencils here: http://bit.ly/2MLfyFQ Coupon Code: TEXASHEIDI



Uncertainty.... How many of you are feeling uncertain right now? ????????‍♀️ As much as the world has a hold on you and a feeling of uncertainty... remember His mercies are new every morning. God never changes and He knows how it all ends. Instead of sitting in...

3-D Street Painting is HARD WORK!!!

3-D Street Painting is HARD WORK!!!

My family and I are about to visit the Outer Banks and I wanted to share a fun memory with you! One of my dreams have come true! I got to street paint with one of the best street painters in the business, Tracy Lee Stum! I met her 10 years ago when I first started...

Don’t lose hope

Don’t lose hope

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPXqCbWmZpA As I watch the nation be destroyed and search for words to say that will help and not hurt.... All I know to do is pray. Love y’all so much and I know so many of you are hurting. If you want to learn how to do a Painted...

Splatter Paint Tiger King Mistake Jeans!

Splatter Paint Tiger King Mistake Jeans!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PBvelBjYt4 Check out the ​Butterfly and Facebook live challenge discover how EASY it is to create a fun Butterfly! ⁠Learn New Techniques for the Beginner or Advanced Artist! ⁠ ⁠Sign up HERE!!????

How to Pack an Art Kit

How to Pack an Art Kit

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbQOmd9yaZ4 Need to know what to put in an art kit? Well... here is a video that shows the TOP things to put in an art kit! Enjoy!

DIY Freedom Sign

DIY Freedom Sign

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bJ58jbF7Pk Check out this easy way to do a DIY Freedom Sign! Use Stencils: http://bit.ly/2MLfyFQ / Coupon Code TEXASHEIDI

PPHQ Ladies

PPHQ Ladies

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnk-92Hm1LE&t=1s Paint Party Headquarters Doors close tonight at Midnight sign up now! https://texasartandsoul.website/migration/paint-par...

Stories from PPHQ Members – LAST DAY

Stories from PPHQ Members – LAST DAY

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSG_uj9d99Q HERE'S WHAT YOU GET with your Paint Party Headquarters Membership! https://texasartandsoul.website/migration/paint-par... Each month you will receive an - On-Trend Painting Tutorial that you can use to make money for your...

What’s in PPHQ? Behind the scenes look!

What’s in PPHQ? Behind the scenes look!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gikQdKJ2tg8 HERE'S WHAT YOU GET with your Paint Party Headquarters Membership! Each month you will receive an: On-Trend Painting Tutorial that you can use to make money for your Online Paint Parties, In-Person Paint Parties, and Art...

Start to Finish GIANT Sunflower

Start to Finish GIANT Sunflower

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_fdJ_UZhwU Only 1 more day to be a part of Paint Party Headquarters! Doors closing at midnight on Thursday, May 14th! https://texasartandsoul.website/migration/paint-par... As soon as you join you will get an Exact Email Script you can...

Stories from Paint Party Headquarters

Stories from Paint Party Headquarters

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-924NcZ1vc Paint Party Headquarters is OPEN! Join here before doors close TOMORROW, Thursday at midnight! This is the last time it will be offered at $35 a month!: Sign up today!!!!!!

Top 5 Things to Pack in Your Art Kit!

Top 5 Things to Pack in Your Art Kit!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lapYlXsr5vg Top 5 Things to Pack in your Art Kit! You have just a few more days to join Paint Party Headquarters!

Welcome Sign START to FINISH!

Welcome Sign START to FINISH!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqg1tmEDbK8 PPHQ Doors are Open!! Sign up today https://texasartandsoul.website/migration/paint-party-headquarters-new-2020/