Heidi’s Blog
Hi, welcome to my blog! I’m glad you’re here. Please check back often to stay up to date. 🙂
Here’s your inside look into Paint Party Headquarters!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0twjy-ItQU0 This is the FUTURE of Paint Parties! And, I'd love to help you along the way! The Doors to PPHQ Open on Sunday. May 10th - Mother's Day!!! Here is a Free Online / Virtual Paint Party Checklist that you can use for your...
How God used Art to Save me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wusOYGlgzz4 1. Ways Art can bring Hope and how God used art to save me Purpose “She said: “We all spend our twenties and thirties trying so hard to be perfect, because we’re so worried about what people will think of us. Then we get...
Easter is not Cancelled!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8p-G3QNzFw 5-Day Painted Prayer Challenge (buy/$10): https://heidi-easley.clickfunnels.com...
Surfboard Fun!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCkFIGIumCw Surfboard Fun! Step-by-step Surfboard Fun. I got this wood cut out from Craft Kreationz! www.craftkreationz.com Tell them Texas Art and Soul Sent ya!
Ombre Butterfly Painting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OobWq5ycA2g Want to learn an easy way to paint a butterfly? Check this out! Check out How to Have a Virtual Paint Party
Working from Home and Kids
How many of you are working on your business with little ones at home? Pixie is now 13, but when I had my VERY first real business painting decorative Surfboards in Florida, this is what our life looked like! We thankfully had help from grandparents, but there were...
Step-by-Step STARRY NIGHT Painting!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYBiPsAlUFo Starry Night one of my Fav Paintings of all time!! Check out How to Have a Virtual Paint Party course I can't wait for you to learn! https://texasartandsoul.website/migration/how-to-ha...
Hippies and the Cowboys!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Tw8NUSGmeA Hippies and the Cowboys! Love me some Red Dirt Country music and Cody Jinks is one of my favorites!!! What is your favorite song... Christian, country, whatever you like I'd love to know!
Did you write out your 100 things???
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGTz6mcUV8Q Did you write out your 100 things?!? Why now... more than ever it’s important to write down what you want out of life. Not sure what I'm talking about? Watch this and take the challenge today!...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzNCTjhWWXw Get you paper and pen ready!!! I challenge you to write 100 things you want. Watch this to see why! You might find it's harder than you think! Teach a Virtual Paint Party! Get the Trainings HERE!
What YOU can do during this time!!!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFV_vgWBOHI What you can do during this time.... I challenge you to write 100 things... I tell you why in the video! AND... if you want to learn how to do a Virtual Paint Party... check it out HERE!
Paint Party Checklist
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDeUEF8vOn0 Free Paint Party Checklist! Download Instantly! This Free Paint Party Checklist will give you everything you need to bring to your Paint Parties so YOU are prepared! Want to know what to bring to each Paint Party? Need a...
I have really small lips…….
Do you have a body feature that you worry about?! I have really small lips. Being online sometimes people can be mean. I’ve been made fun of for the way I talk, my art, and even my lips. Here I am adding a little extra lip gloss to help my lips show up before a...
#1 thing you need to start a Paint Party Business!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVWVoRITJwM&t=11s Why Courage and Hope are the first things you need to start a Paint Party Business!!??? And... Get the NEW 2020 eBook on Paint Party Business!
Bye Bye Eggs
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-DkojFZVgU Have you ever painted over something you didn't love? Well, I'm going to show you a simple trick for painting over something and making it better! It's really easy! And I add a cute little bow tie! Enjoy! Get a free guide on...
Country Barn with Freedom Stencil
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iaRlqlQ8JxM Three steps to painting something fun! And... if you want your 4th of July stencils, I highly recommend getting them now before they are sold out! Let Freedom Ring Stencil on SALE: http://bit.ly/2I5H6UY To learn more about...
Paint Party Prep
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXluR6Ti5YI&t=2s Sometimes people think you need a big car in order to teach paint parties... you don’t if you know how to pack right! Find out more on what you need HERE!
Wise words by Dolly Parton
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlAf_QBxK7I Find out who you are and do it on purpose!” - Dolly Parton ???? I love painted prayers! It can be a quote, a song lyric, bible verse whatever. The point is to make it meaningful to you. It’s not about the finished product,...
Oh man! Spray Tans and Paint Parties!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLF0iSVzPlc Spray Tans and Paint Parties!!! What do they have in common... and a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! Check out the free gift HERE and to be notified on the announcement!!!
Painting a FUN Background!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HLiOK_xoMk&t=3s Pre-view! More to come this afternoon! I'm making a painting for my sweet friend's nursery. I painted a mural for her this weekend and now I really want to make another art piece to hang on the ways. She's due in...
Space Mural
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdBVLlVQa8Y Here’s a super easy mural that I did for my friend. It was so much fun! For those of you that teach Paint Parties... murals are a happy side effect! Thanks Alyson for letting me do this fun mural for your sweet baby boys...