Heidi’s Blog
Hi, welcome to my blog! I’m glad you’re here. Please check back often to stay up to date. 🙂
Expectations and Christmas time
Colorado hates me. Well... not all of Colorado, but one of the prettiest places I’ve ever seen did not want me there. Keystone. This story has a point about expectations verses reality and how my unbearable experience can hopefully help you in some way. My family had...
Family Photo And I said something stupid
I said the stupid-est thing the other day. We were buying stuff for Pixie to have a Christmas party for her friends at our house.  We were in line at Big Lots and she said "I wish there were Christmas streamers!"  And I said..."It's a Christmas party not a Birthday...
Are you terrified?
What are you terrified of?  I know you have something you are scared of... but maybe afraid to admit to yourself or others.  Well, the girl below is me... and I used to be terrified of everything!  I got married as soon as I turned 18 and Bobby used to work late. ...
Looking to the New Year | Beautiful Savior – I’m Yours Forever Painting, Part 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-S7_P8BDK8c As the year comes to a close, I begin to reflect on the last year and plan for what I want for the new year. Each year I pick a word to live by. Last year was "Obedience". I reminded myself of this throughout 2019 and...
The Only Way to be Happy
With Christmas approaching and new beginnings for 2020, I start to think about what's ahead. One of my FAVORITE writings is from Mother Teresa and her wise words hit home! I hope this gives you the courage to go after what you want...
Do you dream of starting your own Paint Party business?!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF9Ou95qWps Here's my big Paint Party with 53 painters at a local lakeside restaurant. Which Christmas sweater is your favorite?!?! And, what do you do at your Paint Party events that keeps your painters coming back?! You can check out...
Need a Paint Party Checklist???
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5wKWMejVr0 Need a Paint Party Checklist? I’ll give you one better! Launch a Successful and Profitable Mobile Paint Party Business! Check out my eBOOK today and get your Paint Party Adventure started!
News To Share…..
Read until the end and you'll know why this makes me nervous to share! I hope you are having a wonderful start to December! I know many of you are teaching paint parties and getting Christmas Trees decorated! What a fun time of year! However, a NEW YEAR is coming and...
Wise Men Seeking
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6PRd7ZZltg&t=612s In the Paint Party World it’s so easy to get caught up in all this Christmas cuteness, but I was inspired to paint something more about the true meaning of Christmas. I hope you like it! It’s called Wise Men...
Learn EASY Leaves for a Wreath Painting
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olL5qG_kAkQ&feature=youtu.be Learn How to paint Easy Leaves for a wreath Buffalo Plaid Stencil!!!! This one is so much to make!
Comparison is the Robber of Joy!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JzPtfU6Bx4&t=209s Comparison is the Robber of Joy! Are you interested in making money, teaching Paint Parties?! Check out my FREE eBook !!!
Paint Party Set Up and Full Timelapse
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJKQUxeI7Do Paint Party Workout - Porch sign style! Tonight I'm painting Vintage Santas and Snowmen at a local restaurant! If you want to make money teaching Paint Parties, check out my free eBook And, if you're interested in joining...
How I’m preparing for my next Paint Party event
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcXB9TEYZBY Cooking Dinner and Tracing Snowmen! Check out the my FREE eBook Here! On how to teach a Paint Party from start to finish!Â
Vintage Ceramic Christmas Tree
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCB2FIwgxr4 This was a fun project! Who has one of these from when you were a kid? Do you want to make money teaching Paint Parties?! Check out my FREE eBook here - How to Start a Paint Party Business!
Paint Party Business LIVE 2019
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ap72UGMvOIw Paint Party Business LIVE is all about teaching women how to start their own Paint Party mobile business! AND... most importantly sharing God's love through Art! Get my ebook on How to Teach a Paint Party HERE!
How to keep it all together.
For years I struggled with keeping up with all of my Paint Party Contacts, Venues, Restaurants, Churches, Country Clubs, and many more. I used to create giant poster boards with names and contact information so I would know who to follow up...
Christmas Gnomes – Perfect for the Holiday Season! |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X84BNu6JPUg&t=570s Christmas Gnome Fun! Here's a free Template! Also, if you want to order some stencils please use this LINK and use discount code TEXASHEIDI!
Finding your Identity in God not Goals
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT_X9gqGhlo I created this short video for you about finding your Identity in God not Goals.  To learn How to Start a Paint Party Business, download my FREE ebook!
Casting all your anxieties on Him
Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7 I LOVE this time of year!!!! However, I’ve struggled with anxiety for years. I’ve come to realize as soon as I’m in a room teaching a paint party it goes away. Completely! I know it’s because my...
Starting a Paint Party Business
The first parts look rough, almost boring, but in your head you can see the finished product where others can't. In your head, you see booked parties and overwhelming applause from family and naysayers.... Starting a Paint Party business is kind of like starting a...
Santa and Elf Gnome Painting!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=orYsANXHWqE I made an Elf for the Santa Gnome! Would you like to see MORE of his friends? If so, please put a YES! If you would like a free template of this gnome you can get it HERE!