Heidi’s Blog
Hi, welcome to my blog! I’m glad you’re here. Please check back often to stay up to date. 🙂
An Easy Way to bring God into your paint Parties!
https://youtu.be/TnKsxdIKemw FEAR IS A LIAR! Inspired by the song by Zac Williams An Easy Way to bring God into your paint Parties! Teach a Painted Prayer! I get a little intense at the end, but I want you to know how much I care about you. And you playing small does...
Overcome Impostor Syndrome & Paint with Me Birthday Bash!
https://youtu.be/HCkTpzOQjR4 Top 3 Reasons to Overcome Impostor Syndrome RIGHT NOW!!!! And…Let's CELEBRATE!!! With a sloth riding a llama! Llama for your Mama! It's the 1st Birthday Bash of Paint Party Headquarters!!! Join us in PAINT PARTY HEADQUARTERS! The doors are...
Top 3 supplies I NEED for Paint Parties!
https://youtu.be/bR9jgnop-VA Top 3 supplies I NEED for Paint Parties! Also, don't miss out on this LIVE webinar I'm teaching Mother's Day evening at 8pm CST! You can register HERE. To find wood pieces order from www.craftkreationz.com and tell them Texas Art and Soul...
LIVE Q&A + God and Business! 3 ways to have Him lead your Paint Party Business
https://youtu.be/bMK4JIbzO0Y God and Business! 3 ways to have Him lead your Paint Party Business 1. Pray for opportunities 2. Choose a word and reflect on that word everyday. 3. Put God first! How can your talents serve Him? Don’t practice your problems. Exodus 33:14...
Your Paint Party Business & How to Protect Your Dreams!
https://youtu.be/6LAVf2fCOCA Mermaid Talking… and How to Protect Your Dreams! Have you seen the free video series yet???? The first of 3 videos was released today and you can get direct access HERE!!! Get on my email list HERE and to find out more about Craft...
3 Ways to Bring God into Your Paint Parties!!!
https://youtu.be/dIZtIm7Pxzk 3 ways to bring God into your Paint Parties!!! Paint & Praise Pray Before Painted Prayers Our job is to share God's love through art. Here are 3 reasons how YOU can bring God into your Paint Parties! Learn more at texasartandsoul.com...
Want to Teach Painting Online?
https://youtu.be/uN0vBVuQalI Want to Teach Painting Online??? Check out this free Workshop on April 25th!!! Find our more HERE! I LOVE what I do... and I love teaching others HOW to do the same thing! Art is healing and I know that through teaching painting to...
# 1 Tip and Action Step to take RIGHT now to TEACH A PAINT PARTY!
https://youtu.be/rIooaNLJ6ao What's the # 1 Tip and Action Step you need to take RIGHT now?? Have a guinea pig party!!! What does that mean?!?! Listen in to find out! AND... I start talking about my Bells Palsey... I do laugh a lot during this video. I apologize in...
#1 Tip You Need To Start A Paint Party Business
https://youtu.be/VixngazvPK4 #1 Tip You Need To Start A Paint Party Business -- Watch this video for the #1 tip and post in the comments below the date you are going to start your guinea pig party! Click HERE for your FREE ebook on How to Start a Paint Party...
Why Should YOU Create a Painted Prayer?!
https://youtu.be/HoyqVrUTS8g Why should YOU create a Painted Prayer?! Watch as I explain why a Painted Prayer is so beneficial. I'll also show you how to add small lines to make your Painted Prayers words look nicer! 1. Art Heals! 2. A way to worship! Take the 5-Day...
Make Money Teaching Paint Parties: Don’t Teach for Free!
Today's post is one I am ultra passionate about...making money doing what you love! So many women struggle with charging for paint parties, but I firmly believe that you deserve to be compensated for your time. Learn why you need to make money teaching paint parties...
I almost threw up AND had to take an anxiety pill.
I almost threw up and also had to take an anxiety pill.   For years I've struggled with anxiety.  Running a Paint Party business and being a mom and wife has been a juggling act.  Last month I was talking to my friend about my schedule and she said "I can help...
What are you telling yourself daily?!
https://youtu.be/-oWNqD9vSRw What are you telling yourself daily?! Join the PAINTED PRAYERS Movement! Words are so POWERFUL! You can start your 5-Day Painted Prayers Challenge Today for $10!!! https://heidi-easley.clickfunnels.com... Maybe it's ok if I'm not ok 'Cause...
https://youtu.be/xCBt__ZTLsM 3 Reasons Why People Stop Teaching Paint Parties Can't get Pre-Pays Not Listening to What Customers WantNot Willing to Change Marketing Strategies Want to learn more about teaching Paint Parties consistently? I'm Heidi Easley, founder of...
https://youtu.be/KVOO58MniFQ 3 Ways to Overcome Fear when trying something new ???? 1. Identify 2. What will you miss 3. Take Action Listen to this short and STRAIGHT to the point talk on 3 things you can do RIGHT now to help with fear! 222People...
How to paint a Porch Sign
https://youtu.be/-BznqAs501c Want to learn how to do a DIY sign? Check out this video and make your own today!
Not all who wander are lost
Wherever you are at in this big 'ol globe, I just want you to know you're not alone. Sometimes as creative people we are all over the place and not sure where we fit in or belong. And that's okay. Other times we feel like we have found exactly where we...
Cave Snorkeling
https://youtu.be/vMJDyaLXZ4A Cave Snorkeling… Have you ever been cave snorkeling or cave diving? It’s pretty much the coolest thing I’ve ever done. My friend and I went to Devils Den in Florida last week. We were in the area for my dear...
How to Paint Hibiscus Flowers
Spring Break Idea!
Do you need something fun to do on Spring Break with your kids or grandkids? This is one of our favorite things! Trying on Prom dresses!!! The lady working at Dillards said "Are you shopping for Prom?" I said "I'm too old and she's too...
Are you tired of not being able to book Paint Parties?