Heidi’s Blog

Hi, welcome to my blog! I’m glad you’re here. Please check back often to stay up to date. 🙂

Space Camp Drop Off

Space Camp Drop Off

Space Camp Drop Off  It all started when Pixie found her daddy’s Space Camp suit from when he went to Space camp almost 30 years ago!  Wearing it to a Nerds VS. Jocks day at school… and then not taking it off for several weeks.    So on Feb 14th,...

I didn’t like my baby

I didn’t like my baby

Yes, I said it.... I didn’t like my baby. But before you get all crazy... read the whole story. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Happy birthday to my sweet 12 year old! I can’t believe Pixie is about to be a teenager! It seems like yesterday she was crying non-stop as a colicky baby... who I...



Wanderlust means a strong desire to travel.  I’m pretty sure someone made that word up for me.   Most of my days are spent thinking of my next painting adventure or a place my family can go explore.   We are always up for some fun and the Junk-O-Rama...

My Dad…

My Dad…

My dad... As I sit and write this my dad is on an incubator. His heartbeat is irregular and they are changing medicines as I type. The last 24 hours has been a series of ups and downs and feelings that I can only try to express through this post. After 13 months on...

We renewed our Wedding Vows and Pixie Officiated!

We renewed our Wedding Vows and Pixie Officiated!

      We RENEWED OUR WEDDING VOWS!!!   And Pixie officiated!!!    She was by far the cutest little officiator I've ever seen!   We just celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary and our (my) goal was to renew our wedding vows in Hawaii...

Bankruptcy Sucks!   It REALLY Sucks!   It sucks SO BAD!!!

Bankruptcy Sucks! It REALLY Sucks! It sucks SO BAD!!!

Bankruptcy Sucks! It REALLY Sucks! It sucks SO BAD!!!    Almost a decade behind me, I can still remember those feelings of guilt, shame, hopelessness, and embarrassment like it was yesterday.  The feeling of being totally done, totally broken, the feeling of not being...

My Dad got a NEW HEART!!!

My Dad got a NEW HEART!!!

It’s Sunday, March 12th and I have over 25 kids plus another 7 or so grandparents ready to paint.   All the kids are seated and excited to get started.   As I am about to begin my phone rings.    It’s one of my brothers so I send it to...

Sometimes you starve your child…

Sometimes you starve your child…

Recently we were at Olive Garden and my daughter finished most of her food and then said “Whew, I was hungry!” I asked… what did you pack for lunch today.   She says “A yogurt and a pixy stick!”    I quickly look at my husband and he says…. “Did any adults see that...

Pixie and I went dress shopping FOR FREE!!!

Pixie and I went dress shopping FOR FREE!!!

Since Pixie was a little girl I always tried to show her how to have fun without spending any money.   She didn’t know what I was doing at the time.   For example:   The little mini carousels in the mall… I would never put quarters in the machine… I...

I danced with Pink and The Transporter!

I danced with Pink and The Transporter!

Hope your new year is off to a great start!   A few weeks after my surgery I went to my little cousins wedding!    When he was a little boy his family went on part of our honeymoon so I only saw it fitting to make sure we attended his nuptials and...

My Heart is Whole

My Heart is Whole

I’m being wheeled in for a minor heart procedure.   They say.   I’m only supposed to be in there for about 30 minutes.   They say.   I should get to go home that evening.   They say. As I’m fully awake and the only one at the party with no pants on. I’m beyond freaked...

New Art

New Art

Hope you're having a great day!   This past week after finding out I need surgery for the hole in my heart I just wanted to create something meaningful for me.    Tam Laporte from Willowing.org was giving a lesson away from her Life Book class so I decided to jump...

I had a small stroke.

I had a small stroke.

I had a small stroke known as a TIA .   Have you ever felt like you’ve lost control of your life?   Have you ever had to look at your life and totally reprioritize it? Well, here is the day I found out I had a small stroke. The last blog I wrote about this I thought...

I lost my vision!

I lost my vision!

I lost my vision. Terrified... out of control... totally scared. These were my thoughts. As a human and especially an artist one of my biggest fears came true. I lost part of my vision for over 10 minutes. I told my husband something was wrong. Letters and full words...

How Bankruptcy Turned me into a Business Owner

How Bankruptcy Turned me into a Business Owner

Have you ever been paralyzed in fear or failure?      Well, I was both of these…  Back in 2007 my family lost everything. In my late 20’s we had to file bankruptcy. Recently having a baby, living in a cute house by the beach, I thought everything was going to be...

I told my daughter about the birds and the bees…

I told my daughter about the birds and the bees…

The other day one of my daughter’s friends were over and mentioned that Sponge Bob sometimes talks about “S - E - X”.   My daughter turns and asks…”Mom, what’s that mean?”   So I quickly tell her I’ll talk to you about it later as my stomach goes into my...

My life sucks so bad right now…

My life sucks so bad right now…

Have you ever been knocked down?    Have you ever had a bad day?  Well, let me tell you a little story.   I’m an EXTREME optimist!   Pretty much to a fault sometimes.  I always think the best of others even when they are wrong.   For example:   Someone might say...

Did we really do that to our child???

Did we really do that to our child???

Hi Creative Souls, Do you take family vacations?    Do you dream up what your vacation will look like in your head and then become disappointed after it’s over because it’s nothing like you thought it would be?   Let me tell you a little story about one of our first...

My husband got mad at me…

My husband got mad at me…

My husband got mad at me.    Last month I went to San Diego for a business trip.    I met with over 60 other women entrepreneurs and spent 3 days in a very intense training course with my business coach (whom I love!). I felt like I was finally “with my people”!   ...

If it wasn’t on FB, it didn’t happen….

If it wasn’t on FB, it didn’t happen….

This weekend I did something pretty stupid.    I’m not proud of what I did, but it was a dare and I made $50 from it!    BUT, I did not video it! It made me realize that our actions are ALWAYS documented!   This new world of technology has...

Art can heal you this year!

Art can heal you this year!

Thank you for making 2015 so great!   I have meet many of you in person and have connected with tons of you via email, FB, etc.   I am so glad that our paths have crossed and am excited about 2016. I wanted to take a minute and reflect on what I learned this year and...