Heidi’s Blog
Hi, welcome to my blog! I’m glad you’re here. Please check back often to stay up to date. 🙂
Really? That’s embarrassing….
Christmas Program time…. Those of you with kids understand the time of year when all the family joins together to watch your kid or family member sing a little jingle! My daughter was dressed as an angel with all of her classmates and sang her little heart out! ...
Sometimes I feel like I wasn’t meant to be a parent….
Sometimes I feel like I wasn’t meant to be a parent…. Now, before you go all crazy on me… hear me out. I have one child… only one. I’ve been a teacher for 9 years and I get my fill of kids. My daughter is the best! She is a really good...
Dirty Car Artist & Human Stencil Project
Today I just want to share with you a fun event we held at our school.  We hired the Dirty Car Artist AKA Scott Wade to visit and teach the students about using dirt to create art!  He is amazing!!! We also took the Seniors and turned them into Human Stencils!  ...
Lazy American Halloween
This Halloween was a little different than our normal Halloween tradition. For the past several years we have gone to our cousins house and trick-or-treated with them around their neighborhood. My cousin, aunt and I drink a little wine and then walk the...
Check out this guy!
Stephen Wiltshire’s first word was paper and didn’t fully speak until the age of 9!  He is an artist who draws and paints detailed cityscapes. Sometimes only seeing them from a helicopter just 1 time… then draws the ENTIRE city from memory! I got a chance to...
What do those sugar skulls mean?
Lately I’ve been painting tons of family portraits “Day of the Dead” style.  I’ve had a few questions about what they mean and why skulls. So… here’s a very brief history…. You can google more if interested. Day of the Dead “Dia de los Muertos” is a Mexican holiday...
You’re never too old!
This weekend I was teaching a painting class at The Covered Bridge Inn in Weatherford, TX.  Wow, this place is amazing!  The house is gorgeous and the owners Sandra & Jim are so sweet!  Oh, and the food….I just can’t get enough of their cooking!  I told the...
Nightmare on Art Street
Have you ever had a vision of a project in your head and you can’t get it out!? Have you ever been discouraged when you spent an entire afternoon and a small fortune at Michaels creating the piece that will change your life…. then it leaves you disappointed and...
Day of the Dead – How To
My days are filled with painting Day of the Dead family portraits to prepare for an upcoming Day of the Dead festival in October.  I thought I’d share with you the progress from some of the paintings. Here’s the first step - COVER with lots of acrylic paint,...
Let’s paint our floor!
Have you ever thought about painting your wooden floors!?!?    What color?  What style?  Is it possible to make it look shabby chic?  WHY NOT?   For 2 1/2 years my family lived in an awesome farm house out in the country!  It had huge trees surrounding the...
My Daughter was baptized today…
Do you make decisions and sometimes not follow through? Do you go through life thinking of what you can’t do instead of what you can do? I want to share a personal moment with you… My daughter Pixie was baptized on Sunday, Sept 27th and I couldn’t have been more proud...
The way you do one thing is the way you do everything….. NAH!
Have you heard this before “The way you do one thing is the way you do everything!” I think it’s bologna! Now here me out…. I’ve heard this expression several times in my life and have always just agreed with it. As I’m walking my dog this morning and reflecting on my...
Do you wear a tankini?
For the ladies out there… Do you wear a tankini? I had a very strange experience this summer with my first tankini. Let's start with why I bought one. It all started last summer. My 9 year old daughter tried to cover me up as I confidently walked in my bikini to the...
Are YOU intentional?
Are you intentional? Do you know what that means exactly? It means done on purpose; deliberate. Synonyms are: Calculated, conscious, intended, meant, studied, knowing, willful, purposeful, etc… Are you living your live intentionally? We reap...
Why I hate Facebook
Now, I know what your thinking… she uses Facebook all the time.  I do…. and I have a love / hate relationship with it. Last year I discovered that I have adult ADHD.  My husband looked at me strange and said “you are just now discovering this”.  Apparently he knew...
Today is the Day
Today is the day! Today is the day to choose to live your life the way that makes you happy. Today is the day to understand that we all have a choice in how we spend our hours. My parents came to visit this week. I was so happy to see them....
How I used an old box and gold spray paint!
Do you want to get better at Mixed Media? I have found that every time I create an art project I understand a little more about mixed media and the limitless abilities it has! So, here’s my newest art project!  I created a younger version of Frida Kahlo.  The reason...
Who do you blame?
Do you ever blame your situation on someone else? Do you sometimes think to yourself if “this” wasn’t a part of my life I could “have more time for that”? My daughter Pixie just left on a week long vacation with her Grandma and Grandpa. As we were packing and getting...
Not all who wander are lost
Do you ever just go wander?  Just jump in the car and head down the road in search of little shops to help inspire you?  My father-in-law was in town and we decided to explore.  We took a drive to a giant pawn shop in Mineral Wells and had a ton of fun!  I’m not...
Now we use Tacky Glue?
Mixed Media is so fun and the options of creating are ENDLESS! Here’s another way to add depth to a painting and make it a little more “Mixed Media”!  I like to use Aleene’s Original Tacky Glue.  You can buy this at Wal-mart and it’s really fun to use. Just take...
Discipline is not a dirty word
The truly free individual is free only to the extent of his own self-mastery. While those who will not govern themselves are condemned to find masters to govern over them. I love this quote from the book War of Art. What does this quote mean to you? Please read it...