Heidi’s Blog

Hi, welcome to my blog! I’m glad you’re here. Please check back often to stay up to date. 🙂

Art with a Glue Gun!  No WAY!

Art with a Glue Gun! No WAY!

So… let’s get out our glue guns! Yes, you heard me right! After some fun swimming time and a ton of great food to celebrate the 4th of July I had to PAINT!!! I love mixed media and the more I experiment with different techniques the more fun I have. Grabbing my...

Inner Critic – SHUT YOUR TRAP!

Inner Critic – SHUT YOUR TRAP!

How do you stop the inner critic?   How do you stop the negative self talk?     We all have this voice inside that basically determines our situation or outcome.   Sometimes it’s negative and sometimes it can be positive. This past weekend I had an event and the inner...

A student once told me….

A student once told me….

Do you believe that you reflect an energy?    Do you think that your soul has a spirit? I used to never really think about or even consider this stuff until… Several years ago an elementary student said that me and another teacher looked exactly alike.   Now let me...

Countryside Nightmare!

Countryside Nightmare!

    My daughter said our family vacation was a COUNTRYSIDE NIGHTMARE!    Before you think we took her to a crazy place let me explain…. My family and and my best friends family met up to stay near Fredericksburg in a 160 year old house.   It was SO secluded...

My Story…

My Story…

My Story... If you've read my about page you probably know that I lost everything including all my pride about 7 years ago.    I recorded a video about my choice to get back up again and use art to start a business on the beach.   I hope you will take 9 minutes to...

My family as a Day of the Dead painting…

My family as a Day of the Dead painting…

Whew!  It’s been a busy few months!   I’m currently in day 10 of the interviews series www.theaccidentalartistonline.com and am so happy to get all of the feedback!   Please if your watching the interviews send feedback to my email.   I would love to hear what you...

My Art Teacher

My Art Teacher

What a day!  I was teaching a painting class near my home town and about half through the class I heard someone compliment another ladies painting.    They said "Your painting is so good, but it should be since your an art teacher".   So, being an...

Favorite Quote

Favorite Quote

My favorite quote of all time is by Marianne Williamson.    She is so inspiring!   I painted this quote on some wood and it hangs in my dining room.   I have read this quote almost everyday for the past 4 years.   I really think the world would be a better place if...