This was the first time I’ve ever painted on a Straw Hat! Sometimes I don’t have enough time to experiment before I go LIVE. So I did the experimenting in front of you. It’s okay to make mistakes. Sometimes the “mistakes” turn out to be the best part of the painting.
I started off with a little Cadmium Yellow and just painted a half circle for the center of the sunflower, and 4-5 petals on the hat brim. Then I fill in the petals with a mix of Cadmium Yellow and Summer Squash Yellow. Then I used Chocolate Brown to fill in the center of the flower and outline the petals. Then I used some Orange Twist to shade the leaves a little. Next I mixed some Festive Green with Chocolate Brown, so the green wasn’t so bright. I used this muted green to paint in some leaves and curly cues for vines. I highlighted the leaves with Festive Green. Now the FUN!!! I got out my favorite 24k Gold and some Bronze to add metallic touches in the flowers center and in the petals. To add texture, I used my brush handle as a stamp to apply the metallic colors. Then final touches of Glitter over the vines and any other place that needs more sparkle.
I can’t wait to see what you paint! Remember, have FUN and don’t doubt yourself. You can do this with beginner art supplies or craft paint
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What kind of paint you used. Because some paint won’t work on straw. Please reply soon soon
Hi Bernice! I use DecoArt Americana Paints 💕