It’s time for the SNOWMAN SHOWDOWN 3-Day Paint Party Extravaganza!! Lots of prizes and can’t wait for you to join the fun! You can sign up HERE to join the fun!
I just wanted to take a few minutes because we have been working so hard to get the SNOWMAN SHOWDOWN ready for you.
Two brand new paintings!
And it’s only $10!
November 16th, 17th and 18th!
And we are going to be having so many cool give aways!
Then on day 3 I will be teaching you how to make money with creative endeavors.
And I’ll be giving away a $150 Arkon Mount.
These are perfect for doing a Facebook live.
This is basically a 3 Day Winter Extravaganza.
We will be painting live together.
I like to see you all get crazy creative.
And I will give away happy mail to some of the most creative.
You don’t have to do it exactly as I’m teaching it.
We are gonna have a ton of fun!
I signed up for snowman showdown. Will I be emailed the supply list and link?
Send me your email once you sign up you are added to the group and all the information is in the group!
Hi I really want to do this but when I went to sign up for it it went straight to my pay pal account. I want to use a card for this instead how do I do that thank you
If you go into PayPal you can select to pay with a credit card without creating an account. I hope to see you there!