Tired of feeling frustrated and stuck in your business? Here’s how to stop giving up and take your creative opportunities to the next level!
You know that feeling of when you pour your heart and soul into a creative endeavor, and finally want to just throw your hands up in the air and give up? Don’t! Believe me, I know more than anyone how hard it is to badly want something to work out and feel like you are getting nowhere.
I’ve found that the adage about night being darkest before the dawn is so true when it comes to business. If you feel like quitting, don’t! I’ll tell you why.
3 Reasons to Stop Giving Up in Your Business
I’m going to give you three reasons why you should stop giving up when it comes to your business. Whether your dream is to pay for your Christmas gifts by teaching art to friends, or have hundreds of people show up for your online classes, these three reasons will help you move forward with your chin up.
1. Pray for Opportunities
Whenever you feel paralyzed and want to just shut down everything (as I have a thousand times!) pray for opportunities. Once you do this, it helps open your eyes to all the potential out there and will give you the confidence to move forward. As you pray for opportunities, don’t just pray and sit back. Be an active participant and be on the lookout for anything God sends your way!
2. Take Two Full Days Off of Facebook
This will be harder for some people than others, but taking time off Facebook (or any other social media) will help you naturally recharge. It also helps remove all those little times when you find yourself comparing yourself and your journey to what others are doing. This is crucial!
3. Give Yourself Grace
Let’s be honest you guys. Art, and teaching art, is supposed to be FUN! But it’s so easy to beat yourself up and start making lists of all the things you could be doing or should be doing, rather than to take the time to celebrate and be thankful for what you DO have!
Bonus Tip: Know Your Mission
Know your mission. I know sharing God’s love through art and teaching you all how to make thriving careers doing what you love is my mission. Do you know yours? If not, it can be helpful to stop and think about why you want to work with art. Find that compelling, driving force, and repeat it over and over. I’ve even written mine on stickies and posted them all over the house when I’ve had low days.
Check Out the 3-Hour Virtual Master Class
If you feel inspired and lifted up — and it is my sincere hope that you do! — I encourage you to keep the positive momentum and move forward. One easy and FUN way to do this is to attend this 3 hour online master class! This pre-recorded class will help you set goals and learn how to dream BIG!
Plus, the class was recorded live from the Dolly Suite! And yes, I definitely will take you on a tour so you can see how incredible it is. I’ve got two words: glitter shower!
Remember: You are Not Alone!
These days, most people look at me and think that I have “made it”. But I want to be very, very clear with you all: there are still days where I feel like throwing my towel in. It’s not as frequent as before, but it happens. In the years past, I have wanted to quit hundreds, if not thousands of times. But, I make myself go through the exact three steps as I outlined above, and I always come back stronger.
I’ve found it incredibly helpful over the years to surround myself with like-minded, positive people. If you want to surround yourself with a community of people who are chasing their dreams of making money with paint parties, I invite you to come check out Paint Party Headquarters! You’ll find a community of cheerleaders who will push and encourage you to keep pursuing your dreams and stop giving up. Remember, you are not alone!
money for the materials.. cant afford life is to much right now. And yes I have thought well maybe this is to much I was actually today that if we don’t get any money for these paintings I will ha e to quit
I am so sorry to hear and I totally understand the struggle! My husband and I had to file for bankrupcy for the age of 30. It was rough. What’s great about having a creative busines now a days is that so much can be done online! You can still build and grow your following on Facebook and you can host Online paint parties for little to no cost out of pocket! I always teach “Profit Every Paerty” and I would never want anyone to do into the red, just to host a paint part or sell art kits.
You are such an inspiration. You always put a little joy in my heart every time I read your articles. Thank you.
Thanks so much for stopping by!
I would love to take your class but it will have to be after the first of the year. What is the cost of the glass and can it be taken at anytime
If you mean Paint Party Headquarters the doors open May! You can get on the wait list now though check out the link below!