Snowman Showdown details are headed your way via email!

Watch this quick message from Heidi to get the most out of this experience!

*Due to cost we can only ship to the US & Puerto Rico

I want to offer you the Snowman Showdown Bonus Library, 
which will help you feel confident as you get started!!!

It's FILLED with Paint Party Business MUST HAVES

For ONLY $27, this Snowman Showdown Bonus Library includes...

Editable Marketing Materials for the Snowman Showdown, so you can start Marketing RIGHT AWAY!
How to Create a Reel in 10 Minutes or Less, plus How and Why Reels will grow your Paint Party Business.
TikTok of Newbies: How to take your Reel and add to TikTok to help your Paint Party Business.
Heidi’s Greatest Hits: Beyond Motivation! Words to help you Take Action Through Fear.
Paint Party Business Book (mailed to you).
PLUS! Get A Free "Painting is Better than Therapy" Limited Edition Tote Bag with the purchase of the Bonus Library!

*Due to cost we can only ship to the US & Puerto Rico

*Due to cost we can only ship to the US & Puerto Rico

Let's take the next step and really do this!!!

Go from overwhelm and frustrated to knowing what to do when you wake up to make your business move forward! 

Go from confused to determined

Go from not sure how to do this online thing... to WOW... this is not only cool, but I CAN do this online thing!  

Go from painting without a plan to painting with a purpose!  

Go from not sure how crafting could make money to making money doing what you love.   

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